Today I'm turning Freud's Butcher over to a guest blogger. You'll soon see why. I was amazed at the serendipity when I realized I knew the author of a biography of the latest psychologist to turn up in the life of a Kornmehl family member. *** Guest post by Anna Redsand "The more exciting part is that I may have discovered a link between Viktor Kornmehl and another, more
The Doktors Kornmehl & Professor Freud
One of the few stories my mother told about her life in Vienna was that her cousin Stella had been sent to see Sigmund Freud in the hope that her limp, resistant to traditional treatments or diagnoses, would prove to be psychosomatic (it didn't). The more I read about Freud, the more I think he was a regular guy, brilliant, but a schmoozer rather than a snob. Nevertheless, I
Forget Penis Envy, Dr. Freud; I’ve Got Parent Envy
I am a glass half empty type of person. This is not good when you write a personal blog because you don't want to continually bum people out. Especially during the holiday season. On the other hand, I know I'm not the only one who finds other people's perkiness deeply depressing. I bring this up because when I tried to write the second part of the story I posted earlier
Watches, Magnets, Onesies & More: Your Complete Freud Holiday Gift Guide
I've already directed you to several fun holiday gifts for your neurotic psychologically oriented friends and family members: Freudian Slippers, Freudian Sips Mug, Dr. Freud's Therapy Ball and the Freud Action Figure. The first two come from the Unemployed Philosopher's Guild, which has several other items that I like in its Freudiana section. Just so you know, I combed
Freud, Humor & the Importance of Primary Sources
This seems to be Revisionist Week. Monday I wrote about how my great uncle's kosher butcher shop in Freud's building was not kosher after all: The Butcher Shop in Freud's Building: Kosher or No? Yesterday I followed up a post about wanting villainous ancestors with one that said that it might not be such a good idea if those ancestors were in your recent past:
Was Freud a Schmoozer? Frank Tallis Says Yes
Back to basics. The idea of Funny Freud Friday stemmed in large part from my quest to determine whether Freud was the type of person who would have schmoozed with his butcher, my great uncle. Today I present more evidence that he was from Frank Tallis, a clinical psychologist and the author of a terrific series of mysteries set in early 20th-century Vienna that feature Max
#FunnyFreudFriday: Rock & Roll Edition
What sound track does the name "Sigmund Freud" conjure in your mind? At first, I was thinking a Viennese waltz, but that's a little too calm and, well, schmaltzy for a man who dealt in inner turmoil. Perhaps it's fitting, then, that most of the bands I found that incorporate the name of the father of psychoanalysis are hard-rock oriented; one plays contemporary jazz. None
#FunnyFreudFriday: The Prognosticator
Spent a stressful Thanksgiving with your family? Worried about having to deplete your bank account buying holiday gifts? I've got just the thing for you today: psychotherapy on the cheap. The odds are good that Dr. Freud's Therapy Ball -- brought to you by the fine folks at Archie McPhee -- can diagnose your problem, or at least give you a good laugh. UPDATE: I'm
Freud Friday: Freud’s Last Dog (It’s Not Who You Think)
Talk about shaggy dog stories. I thought my series on Freud & Dogs -- see Part I, A Case of Late Life Puppy Love; Part II, A Dangerous Method (If You Fear Dogs) for background -- was finished. In Part III, I described how Freud escaped to London from Nazi-occupied Vienna with his chow, Lun. It's a sad last chapter of Freud's life. Lun was quarantined for several months and
#FunnyFreudFriday: Freud & Jung’s Excellent Adventure
I first saw the following image of Jung and Freud enjoying a schvitz on Facebook. It was posted by the mysterious Jacques Lacan -- mysterious because, in case you're not familiar with the French philosopher and psychoanalyst, he is dead. And, yet, he is still posting on Facebook. (Do I need to worry that my posthumous status updates will be more interesting than my current
#FunnyFreudFriday: Zombie Freud Edition
I'm sorry this comes too late for Halloween; it would have been perfect. But I wasn't aware of its existence -- or that of illustrator Brian Gubicza -- until alert reader Kathyfr (as she asked to be identified) sent me the link. There are so many wonderful things about this item it's hard to know where to start. The subtle splatters of blood, including one on the left pants
Freud & Dogs, IV: The Mystery of the Chows on the Balcony
I didn't think I would have much more to say about Freud's dogs; I've already devoted a three-part series to them on this blog. But I recently encountered an intriguing mystery. It all started when David C. Farmer, who played Freud in "Freud's Last Session" in Honolulu, posted in his Facebook page, asking about the identity of the dogs. That's the question I've been
#FunnyFreudFriday: The Ballad of Sigmund Freud
As far as I can tell, the only time this song by the Chad Mitchell Trio was recorded was for a live album of Harry Belafonte performing at Carnegie Hall in 1994; I can't find it listed on any of the albums or DVDs on the trio's website. What do you think?
#FunnyFreudFriday, Unemployed Philosophers Edition
I'm keeping it simple this week with a single -- but superlative -- funny Freud item: Freudian Slippers. This comfy footwear, brought to you by the Unemployed Philosophers Guild, is perfect for people who spend a lot of time around the house: agoraphobes, say, unemployed philosophers...or freelance writers. Part of the description: As an extra feature, each slipper has
#FunnyFreudFriday: Sigmund Freud, Man of Action
As promised, Funny Freud Friday will become a regular feature of this blog. I welcome any suggestions for things to be featured, from comical Freud products and Freud comics to amusing things that Freud said. Freud, the Action Figure I was alerted to the existence of Freud action figures by my friend Lydia, who has guest posted here; she noticed one in the window of a