I've been circling around Viktor Kornmehl, the intended subject of this second part of this family history writing challenge, for a while now. I first looked at his mother, Kamilla, who was buried in a group crypt, married in a synagogue that was later destroyed, and misidentified in a picture; and then at his brother, Bertschi, who helped organize Zionist transports to
Kornmehl doctors
Family History Writing Challenge, Day 9: Back in the USSR
It's hard to believe that, after spending eight days with him, I'm ending my journey with Ezriel. At least for now. There are many questions still to be answered, including the one I posed yesterday -- i.e., how Ezriel met his wife, Ernestyna. Another thing I'd like to know: Why did Ezriel decide to transfer from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow to the University of
Family History Writing Challenge, Day 8: When Ezriel Met Ernestyna
It turns out Ezriel Kornmehl married well. Mazel tov. His wife, the former Ernestyna Karp, didn't do too badly either. The History of the Jews of Jaslo says of the couple: [Ezriel] was the son in law of Mordechai Karp and a doctor. He was the only Jewish doctor to work for the general governmental health insurance office in the city. He was well regarded and respected by
Family History Writing Challenge, Day 5: Ezriel’s Not-So-Lazy School Days
Thanks to the excellent student files kept by the Medical University of Vienna, Ezriel Kornmehl's academic life comes into far clearer focus than most other parts of his life -- at least so far. As a result of information that Jill Kornmehl gleaned, we know that Ezriel (I'm summarizing a bit from the original here): ...studied [at the University of Vienna] from March 1914
Family History Writing Challenge, Day 3: Finding Ezriel, Part 1
I decided I would start with a profile of Ezriel for this challenge because he is the older of the two Kornmehls I plan to focus on -- and also because I am waiting for permission to reproduce a document relating to Viktor. But I realized that my information about Ezriel is far sketchier than what I have about Viktor, requiring more blanks to be filled in. I also realized --
Family History Writing Challenge, Day 2: Why’d You Choose Those Relatives?
I explained on the first day of this challenge that I was going to look into the lives of Ezriel Kornmehl and Viktor Kornmehl. But neither Ezriel or Viktor is closely related to me -- or to each other. Why chose them as my subjects? Because of Sigmund Freud. As I've often mentioned, my maternal great uncle, Siegmund Kornmehl, sold meat to the father of psychoanalysis.