It's hard to believe that, after spending eight days with him, I'm ending my journey with Ezriel. At least for now. There are many questions still to be answered, including the one I posed yesterday -- i.e., how Ezriel met his wife, Ernestyna. Another thing I'd like to know: Why did Ezriel decide to transfer from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow to the University of
Family History Writing Challenge, Day 8: When Ezriel Met Ernestyna
It turns out Ezriel Kornmehl married well. Mazel tov. His wife, the former Ernestyna Karp, didn't do too badly either. The History of the Jews of Jaslo says of the couple: [Ezriel] was the son in law of Mordechai Karp and a doctor. He was the only Jewish doctor to work for the general governmental health insurance office in the city. He was well regarded and respected by
The Family History Writing Challenge, Day 7: Fathers-In-Law
Yesterday I brought Ezriel Kornmehl, the first subject of this challenge, back to Poland from medical school in Vienna and pondered his war service. I alluded to the fact that he would have met a distressing death had he not fled Jaslo. Today I start filling in the story of Jaslo, including the question of what brought Ezriel there in the first place, when most of the