I'd be hard pressed to guess how many pages have been devoted to the life and times of Sigmund Freud. Hundreds of thousands? Millions? I've contributed more than a hundred here alone. But there are still a few things about the father of psychoanalysis that most people don't know, 75 years after his death, details about his everyday life that get lost in the scholarship. To
Freud's eyeglass prescription
Framing Sigmund: The Mystery of Freud’s Glasses
Sigmund Freud's glasses are as central to his image as his cigars are -- perhaps more so. After middle age, Freud is never photographed sans specs, but his smokes are occasionally absent. Yet while Freud's cigars are much analyzed, his eye wear remains a mystery. Maybe Moscot? My interest in the topic was piqued earlier this week when my friend Penelope Starr wrote me that