In Part I of this series, I explored Freud's late life case of puppy love, inspired by his daughter Anna's first dog. Here I discuss the impact his bond with dogs had on his treatment sessions -- and on Anna's. Oddly, Freud's pre-eminent biographer, Peter Gay, minimized the role dogs played in his subject's life and his practice. In the sole page devoted to the topic in
Anna Freud's dog
Freud & Dogs, I: A Case of Late Life Puppy Love
In December 2011, when I learned that the butcher shop of my great uncle shared an address with the home and offices of Sigmund Freud, I was blogging regularly about pets at Will My Dog Hate Me. Not surprisingly, I became interested in the question of how Freud felt about canine companions. I discovered a wealth of information on the topic, which I incorporated into a