I am recently back from a quick restaurant-packed trip to Los Angeles, where I went to apply for my Austrian passport. I gravitated towards food I craved because I can't get it in Tucson -- before my Tucson readers complain, I am challenging you to dispute my statement that there is not a single Jewish-style deli in town, good or bad -- and food that celebrated my new Austrian
From Meat to Sweets: A Family Occupation — & Preoccupation
I've alluded before to the other Siegmund Kornmehl -- the brother-in-law of Freud's butcher, who had the same name as he did -- but for a long time I didn't have much information on him. Recently it became clear that he had at least part ownership in a cafe in Vienna, the Cafe Victoria. I will write more soon about the specifics but I am too excited about this latest